Cake Batter Smoothie

I discovered about a few months ago that a smoothie can be made with a combination of (Silk) (original flavoured) almond milk, and coconut palm sugar, that tastes like cake batter. Add in some vanilla extract and a dash of cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg and a dollop of clove (actually I didn’t go this far, but imagine it could work!) and you are good to go.

This morning I discovered that blending zucchini (it helps to make knife carvings in it first) and lettuce and water banana and a LOT of coconut palm sugar and a LOT of cocoa powder also makes a pretty good (chocolate) cake batter smoothie.


I also ate raspberries today, from Driscoll farms (whatever, pretty natural patterns and odd little hairs), and a cherry Lara bar (very drawn to eating cherries in foods lately. I did some research and found that they have an anti-mucagenic acid called ellagic acid which may be part of what I’m after)


A glass of that yummy Silk almond milk, and what else. LATKES FOR CHANUKAH. Other stuff not worth noting!


Cake Batter Smoothie: 8.7/10

Latkes: 6.4

That’s about all I feel like rating. OH AND I ATE A SPRING ROLL FROM A SUSHI PLACE and am now fantasizing about Spring Rolls made with lettuce and a million vegetables and maybe cauliflower rice. Oh my god.

I want to be more present when I eat as I eat many foods standing up. I also had a few bites of a special pear during an intuitive play/learning date.

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